The enchantment of Monte Verità
The hill above Ascona is home to a hotel, a park and a museum that tells the extraordinary story of the place, a long time reference point for those who were looking for an alternative life

Monte Verità, which dominates Ascona, in the Canton of Ticino, has long been a point of reference for those who were looking for an alternative life.
Today, the hill is home to a large hotel, a park, a tea garden and a museum that tells the extraordinary story of this place.
Born as a sanatorium, for its favourable position and the particular energy that characterized it, it was lived as an isolated oasis where you can devote yourself to the care of the body and mind.
At the beginning of the twentieth century it attracted to Ticino many personalities among intellectuals, thinkers and artists such as Hermann Hesse, Rudolf von Laban, the psychologist Otto Gross, as well as nobles, anarchists and many others who believed in a new society.
In 2019, the Bauhaus, the school of architecture, art and design founded in 1919 in Weimar, also celebrates its first century of existence. A cultural movement that extended to Ascona where in 1927 the Bauhaus hotel was built by the architect Emil Fahrenkamp.
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